Although it was only last week I wrote about my desire to edit my closet down to just the basics - core, key pieces that I will wear over and over and will never get old and I can layer with one another for nearly every occasion - there is one thing that I refuse to get rid of or stop buying. And that is merch.
I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I love a tote from a bookstore, a cap from a team, a sweatshirt from a restaurant. I love marking my journey through life with items that I can wear, that I can pass down to my kid one day, that will always remind me of a place and a time and hopefully a happy memory or two. I love items that communicate something - maybe that’s where I live, what I like to do, who I think I am, or what I believe in. I like things that support businesses that don’t sell things, and I like things that support business that do sell things but that might be independent, or local, or woman owned, or need some PR.
Most of the merch I’ve purchased in the past is stored away in a plastic bin, somewhere in the depths of our upstate basement. Most of it was worn a few times, over a few years, and then tucked away. Maybe it was no longer relevant, maybe I grew out of it, maybe it just didn’t fit in my closet anymore. But regardless of the reason it got tucked away, it will always be waiting there for the day I’m ready to go on a journey through time again.
A few years back, my parents did just that. They lugged down a giant box of old tee shirts and sweatshirts that they had gathered throughout their lives, and we went through them as a family. My parents laughing at old memories, telling stories of how each tee came to be. Remembering their big Euro trip, or concerts, or attending car races decked out in shirts that said “team party” (yes, I still have that one).
I can’t wait to do the same with my daughter, to take her on a journey through story led by physical things that spark a memory. Passing them on to her to wear herself, should she wish, to hang on to that memory for me, and to, yes, hang on to me in some way. Because trends change - I know I won’t be passing down most of my everyday clothes to her, and I’m not a spender on designer items that end up as heirlooms - but merch won’t. It will always just be what it is, an item with a memory.
We seem to be living in a Golden Age of merch at the moment, lucky for me. Everywhere from bars and restaurants to shops and charities and magazines and organizations and museums are all offering something branded so you can take a little piece of it home and show off just how cultured or hip or trendy or well read you are.
But, merch is, almost by default, location specific, so forgive this list for leaning very New York heavy. If you live here, you probably know most of these. If you ever come to visit, take this as a mini recommendation list of places worth checking out (even if only for the merch).
*before we get into the good stuff I’d like to make a note that so much of this is available second hand either in local vintage/thrift shops, on eBay, or on Poshmark, and these selects below offer a very, very tiny taste of what’s out there in the merch world. I always recommend buying second hand here if possible, especially since the market is so robust!! (PS send me your favorite finds!!)*
The Museums:
If you want to show the world just how cultured you are, what a better way to do so than to rock the merch of your local museum. I won’t tell anyone that you’ve only been once, I promise.
The Bookstores:
Nothing screams Brooklyn (mom) more than a tote from a bookstore, but, fortunately, bookstore merch has gone more mainstream as of late (see: Timmy and Jeremy). This is great, because books are under assault at the moment (see: book bans), and generally I think we could all do ourselves a favor by stepping away from the screens and burying ourselves in a good book more often.
The Places:
Do you travel? Have you been somewhere iconic? Are you a pilates girlie? Show it off with some occasionally cheeky, often classic, always braggy merch.
The Restaurants & Bars:
Restaurant merch really took off during Covid, when establishments that long relied on in person service had to pivot their business models in order to keep the lights on and make it through. This included launching take away food (great), to go drinks (even better, bring them back please), and, of course, merch. I was drunk on to go espresso martinis and boxed wine for the better part of lockdown, so I didn’t get a lot of merch then, but I am super happy it stuck around because I love an additional way to support my favorite local haunts (especially since I’ve since weaned off the cocktails…mostly). PS Thea, in Fort Greene, if you’re reading this, please, please, please make a sweatshirt. Love you, thanks.

The Teams:
I’m not a sports person, per se, but I love watching football (the American one) on a Sunday afternoon with a good beer and maybe some sunshine spilling in the foggy bar window. It’s a vibe, and I’ll never say no. I’m absolutely a fair weather fan, however, and will hop on any bandwagon if the local or hometown (two different things for me!!) end up in any sort of playoffs. Being from Chicago, I always said I was a Bears fan, a White Sox fan (until the Cubs made it to the playoffs and won and then I became a Cubs fan), and a Blackhawks fan. But now that I’m a “true New Yorker” having been here for over a decade, I’ve been thinking it’s time to start leaning in to New York Sports. I’ve already been donning my Yankees cap regularly (for fashion, of course), so why not start sporting some Knicks and/or Nets tees, or a Giants and/or Jets sweatshirt.

The Miscellaneous:
Merch knows no bounds. Your favorite retail shops, political candidates, organizations, events, bands, and magazines all have it - and I’ll never be mad about that.

- coming through again this year with a stellar Thanksgiving Home Movies and menu. Can’t wait to replicate this exactly. Also, doing this while pregnant? Queen.
In my research for this post I came across this gem and I’m sorry but it’s perfect.
I stumbled upon this mid century shelving unit and this mushroom lamp while working on a retail project and now I need them both for myself.
I finally caved and got myself this COS clutch.
So. Much. Holiday. Stuff. We’re hosting a friendsgiving next weekend so it lit a fire and I’ve started to finally, finally gather a bunch of home things I’ve been after in order to adultify my apartment and be ready for guests! I didn’t want to invest too heavily here because I’ve noticed my tastes in that arena have been changing rather quickly, but I did get a tablecloth, some proper napkins, placemats, and great taper candles. Stay tuned next week for some photos (if I remember!)
This piece on “Your body, my choice” by Jia Tolentino who is truly an iconic voice of our times and someone who’s writing (and brain) I admire deeply. (If you haven’t yet read Trick Mirror please do yourself a favor and start today.)
As mentioned above, we are hosting next weekend and therefore scrambling to finish house projects that have been on our list since, well, May. Nothing like a deadline to push you to get shit done! We “renovated” our kitchen island and finally installed the quintessential paper lantern that I think might be a requirement to have in your house if you live in Brooklyn? Can anyone confirm?
Another weekend, another giant batch of something warm and cozy.
see you next week!
This is extraordinary. Golden age of merch, indeed.
I bought the green Books (are magical) hat after you posted AND when I realized (sadly) my red hat can’t be worn for 4 years 😭